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Blending natural light and the Elinchrom THREE

Elinchrom THREE combined with natural light produces stunning images.

Therese Asplund, Elinchroms long-time ambassador, shares her on-field experience with the Elinchrom THREE, the new 261 Ws Off-CameraFlash with integrated battery. For her first adventure with this flash, Therese did a shooting on a summer wedding theme, directly using the THREE blended with natural light. Discover her journey and impressions about the Elinchrom THREE.

Blendning natural light with Elinchrom THREE | Therese Asplund

The Elinchrom THREE is a fantastic tool suitable for both beginners venturing into studio flash photography and seasoned professionals like wedding photographers who need to adapt swiftly to various locations and lighting conditions. This versatile companion excels in both on-location and studio shooting scenarios. Additionally, it’s perfect for creative photographers eager to experiment and explore new possibilities.

The THREE is lightweight and easy to setup. The convenience extends to its intuitive control through the Elinchrom Studio App, adjusting a breeze. Remarkably compact, it easily fits in one hand, making it highly portable as you move from one location to another.

Elinchrom THREE off-camera flash

Today, our focus is on testing the Elinchrom THREE on location, and I created a summer wedding set. Our shooting adventure will take us on various locations, both indoors and outdoors. To capture the essence of the moment, we’ll combine the beauty of natural light with the power of flash, ensuring each set shines at its best.

The location

For this shooting, I chose an old mansion just outside Avesta, in Sweden. This old mansion is surrounded with huge trees, and a big, lush park area, and a beautiful winter garden with vines clinging on to the roof. This location offers a diverse range of light conditions and locations, allowing us to capture a wide range of stunning pictures. Fingers crossed for favourable Swedish summer weather, with both sunshine and clouds to enhance our creative possibilities.

"I love creating things togetherand portrait photography isalways a teamwork”"

The shooting 

I love creating things together and portrait photography is always a teamwork. Achieving a remarkable portrait, classical, fine art, or commercial, requires building trust and comfort with your subject. It’s essential to involve them in your vision, making them an active participant in the creative process. The ultimate satisfaction comes when your model leaves the shoot with as much joy as you experienced during the process. That´s why it´s so important to work with equipment that is reliable and easy to use, the less you have to worry about the technical stuff during the shoot the more you can focus on the connection with the model and the better your images will turn out.

Elinchrom THREE | Photo Therese Asplund

Elinchrom THREE | Photo Therese Asplund

We began our shoot in the old winter garden, which was located at the far end of the park. The winter garden’s natural light proved to be quite good, benefiting from the absence of direct sunlight and its glass walls on all sides, providing soft and indirect lighting ideal for portraits. When using the darker side of the park as the background, the exposure I set for the surroundings worked well for her face too.

However, as almost all the natural light hitting her face bounced off or shined through the surrounding green foliage, it created a greenish colour cast that somewhat obscured her lovely tan and rosy cheeks. Even though I am almost there with the exposure, I still need to lighten her face during post-production to make it stand out from the background and ensure her eyes are not the darkest part of her face.
Consequently, there’s still significant post-production work required to transform this image into a truly exceptional one, despite the favourable light conditions in the winter garden.

"This way, I obtained an imagethat’s almost ready for deliverystraight out of the camera"

All I needed for this was the compact Elinchrom THREE, the small Rotalux DeepOcta Softbox 70cm and a tripod.
With this minimal setup, I could carry everything myself, and it took less than two minutes to set up. It provided a simple solution to fix the issues that otherwise would have required a significant amount of post-processing time. I can now imagine the time savedon delivering a set of twenty images! This way, I obtained an image that’s almost ready for delivery straight out of the camera.

Elinchrom THREE | Photo Therese Asplund

Elinchrom THREE | Photo Therese Asplund

When shooting the couple, I really wanted to use the left side of the winter garden, facing the part of the park with fewer trees and more sunlight, because on that side the vines made a magical setting, surrounding the couple on allsides. Choosing this location also made it possible for me to use a lower bush of herbs in the foreground to create more depth. Here the natural light conditions where not as good as on the other side, since the background was very much lighter than the couple.

Even though I turned up the exposure with my camera settings as much as I could without losing information in the light parts outside, their faces where very much to dark when using only natural light. Again, the THREE and the Rotalux Deep Octa Softbox 70cm solved the problem and gave me a well-balanced image with beautiful light in the faces straight out of camera.

The last thing we did in the winter garten was some portraits of the bride alone. What I wanted to show with these images was how easy it is to be creative and get a lot of variation on the same location if you do not have to depend only on natural light. And also, how using a flash to light our model gives you the opportunity to control the natural light with your camera settings.

In the first two images I have used a small aperture to darken the background and used two different set ups with the Elinchrom THREE and the Rotalux Deep Octa Softbox 70cm to change the character. A backlight for a cinematic look with a little more drama and a classical portrait light to lift her face features and bring out her beautiful eyes. In the last image I have used a big aperture for a light background, and let the natural light lift the shadows, and just like that I got a light and airy portrait with a very natural look.

Elinchrom THREE | Photo Therese Asplund

We then continued our photography adventure in the garden of this magnificent mansion, under the 4:00 PM sun, where the light is soft and less harsh than the 12-2 PM sun. I wanted these images to feel outdoors and very natural. I used the Elinchrom THREE and a 100 cm Deep Umbrella White. A shoot through the white umbrella, set straight forward, a couple of meters away from the model, is an easy set up to use if you shoot mainly with natural light but just want a natural way to lighten up a model.

Here I decided to put the models in the sun with the sun hitting their backs to use that as a beautiful backlight. Since I control the light on the models with my flash I can control the highlights in the hair, and make sure that they are not burnt out, with the settings of my camera.

The most challenging thing here was that we now had gotten quite a lot of clouds in the sky which meant the weather change from sun to cloudy every other minute. To be able to keep shooting and not lose any time I therefore had to change settings all the time. Here it really showed how big an advantage it is that the THREE is so easy and quick to adjust. In a heartbeat I could change settings to adapt to the new light conditions and we could make the most of the time we got. A great thing is that I can always choose whether to make the changes directly on the flash, on my transmitter or on the app on my phone. Whatever is easiest for the set up I work with.

"Here it really showed how bigan advantage it is that theTHREE is so easy and quick toadjust"

Elinchrom THREE | Photo Therese Asplund

I often get new ideas of things I want to try during the shoot and with the THREE being so easy to adjust it is completely effortless to experiment and play around without having to keep the models waiting while I figure things out. Here I tried to lay on the ground, to get a low angle, and shoot directly into the sun for a dreamy and romantic feeling. With the THREE through the umbrella, I could still decide just how much light I wanted to meet up with in the faces to be able to see facial expressions and not only silhouettes.

Elinchrom THREE | Photo Therese Asplund

We ended our day in the barn, since it started to rain a little bit. This location had a very small window, so very little natural light, but the walls were rustic and beautiful and matched the styling of our bohemian bride to perfection. If I would have been forced to shoot in this location using only natural light, I would have had to turn up the ISO very high and loose quality. Now, with the Elinchrom THREE I could shoot like I do in the studio. To get some variation I used both a feathered classical portrait light, where I used one of the window sas a reflector to lift the shadows, and a cinematic short light to add a little drama.

The great thing about working with flash and knowing how to set a good light, especially if you are a wedding photographer where time is always an issue, is that, if you need to, you can make beautiful, professional looking images in any location. I have shot hundreds of weddings over the years and, no, the weather is not always working in my favour. I have had to finish up sessions in boring hallways or even in a hotel corridor but with a nice light no one can tell. Now with the THREE being both compact and powerful it´s not even a hassle to bring it and in some situations, it can be the difference between getting the image or not.

Even though we had to adapt quickly to sudden changes in the weather and shot in so many different places it was a piece of cake with the Elinchrom THREE, and we got beautiful images from all the different locations. The fact that it is so powerful even though it is so small seems almost too good to be true. Even when I shot full, figure and couldn´t work with the flash very close to the model it worked great even though I shot directly into the sun. It is also very easy to be creative on the spot.

In conclusion, the Elinchrom THREE allowed me to capture portraits swiftly and efficiently. I could easily blend it with natural light and a few additional accessories, allowing me to travel light and adapt rapidly to these three scenarios.

Elinchrom THREE | Photo Therese Asplund

The finished image

Once I got home and started post-processing, I realized that, thanks to the small amount of fill flash I used, I only needed to make a few minor adjustments. These included some basic adjustments in Camera Raw and a slight lift of the shadows under her eyebrows to make them pop a bit more. All in all, it took me less than five minutes to complete the post-processing for this image, compared to the 20-30 minutes it would typically take me without the use of fill flash.

The benefits of using Elinchrom THREE for this type of photography are countless. Besides saving time in post-production, which is always valuable, it helps me deliver a more consistent product to my clients because I have more control over the lighting conditions from the beginning. It also gives me more freedom to experiment and be creative on-site because I know I have the tools I need to handle any kind of lighting situations I might encounter.

Thank you, Elinchrom, for creating such an amazing product!

Photographer Therese Asplund

Video - Wedding Photography with Natural and Flash Light | Elinchrom THREE

Fotograf Therese Asplund

About Therese Asplund

Therese is an award-winning portrait photographer who loves working with people. Whether she is in the studio shooting portraits, out doing commercial  work or working on one of her own art projects it is always with the same passion and dedication.

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Elinchrom THREE | Off Camera Flash Kit

Elevate Your Adventures with the Elinchrom THREE Off Camera Flash Kit- The Elinchrom THREE is your new portable off-camera flash companion. Experience true performance with its 261 Ws for images with perfect illumination, bringing them to life. With an integrated Li-Ion battery providing an impressive 525 full-power flashes, your workflow remains uninterrupted. Shape light to your desire using light shapers with optimal light spread, while the user-friendly touchscreen interface and built-in Bridge feature offer seamless control.

Transmitter Pro - Discount 50%

Elevate your adventures, capture extraordinary shots, and never settle for ordinary.

"Elinchrom THREE, never settle for ordinary"

True performance

With an accurate power of 261 Ws and 525 full power flashes, the Elinchrom THREE gives you the output you require to bring life to your images.

Elevate Your Adventures with the Elinchrom THREE

Even Faster

With a recycling time of 1.2 seconds at full power, the Elinchrom THREE is ready to match your creative speed.

Never lose momentum

Get 525 full-power flashes from the Elinchrom’s THREE integrated Li-Ion battery and connect any USB-C power source to continue shooting regardless of the battery’s power level. Keep your workflow uninterrupted.

Keep your workflow uninterrupted

Better Light Shaping

Designed around an unconcealed flashtube for optimal light spread, the Elinchrom THREE ensures you experience beautiful light quality even with light shapers from other brands. Take your pick between Elinchrom OCF, Profoto bayonet and traditional Elinchrom light shapers.

Navigate swiftly

With a touchscreen interface and quick menu, Elinchrom has streamlined the access to the THREE’s settings to ensure you never miss a chance to capture the moment.

Control from the tip of your finger

Control from the tip of your finger

With the Elinchrom’s THREE built-in Bridge, control all features of your THREE and your other Elinchrom units from your smartphone or computer. Seemless control for faster setup times.

Key Features

  • More power
    With an accurate 261 Ws, the Elinchrom THREE delivers more power than what other brands pretend to have.
  • As fast as you need it to go
    With a recycling time of 1.2 sec. at full power, the Elinchrom THREE helps you get the best possible shots.
  • Integrated Li-Ion battery
    Enables up to 525 full-power flashes on a single charge and can be charged from any USB-C source without proprietery spare batteries or chargers.
  • Active charging
    Connect the Elinchrom THREE to a power source and continue shooting while charging regardless of the battery’s power level.
  • Multipurpose
    Equipped with a bright and high quality bi-colour continuous LED light for enhanced video
  • Touch screen interface
    Intuitive, clever, and streamlined interface designed to provide the most efficient user experience and quick set up times.
  • Supreme portability
    Weighing only 1.6kg (3.6 lbs), the Elinchrom THREE is ready to travel with you anywhere and everywhere.
  • Elinchrom OCF modifier mount
    Compatible with most Profoto bayonet light shapers and the traditional Elinchrom bayonet via the included heavy-duty adapter.
  • Sync up to 1/8000s with HSS
    Freeze motion overpower ambient light and darken backgrounds.
  • TTL with manual lock
    Enables a quick switch from TTL to Manual without losing exposure settings.
  • Built in Bluetooth
    Adjust settings and control via the Elinchrom App and software without the need for the Elinchrom Bridge.

Elinchrom THREE Off-Camera Flash Set

Items included

  • 1x Elinchrom THREE Off-Camera Flash
  • 1x Elinchrom OCF Diffusion Dome
  • 1x OCF Adapter
  • 1x Elinchrom 65W USB-C Wall Charger
  • 1x Case
  • 2 Year Warranty

Specifications Elinchrom OFF Camera Flash

SpecificationsElinchrom THREEElinchrom ONE
Energy261 Ws131 Ws
F-Stop (1m, 100 ISO, HP Reflector 26 cm, max power) f/64.3f/45.2
F-Stop (1m, 100 ISO, OCF Diffusion Dome, max power)f/22.0f/11.9
Power range (F-Stop) 6 F-stop5 F-stop
Power range (Ws/J)7-261 Ws7-131 Ws
Power range display0.1-5.3 (Elinchrom scale) / 4.8-10 (10 scale)0.1-4.3 (Elinchrom scale) / 5.8-10 (10 scale)
Power increments in Manual / TTL mode0.1 F-Stop / 0.3 F-Stop 0.1 F-Stop / 0.3 F-Stop
Flash duration t0.1 min/max power (Standard mode)1/1550 - 1/255s1/1530 - 1/155s
Flash duration t0.1 min/max power (Action mode)1/8500 - 1/440 sek1/7000 - 1/625 sek
Recycling time min/max power
0.08 / 1.2s0.06 / 0.9s
Flash modeManual / TTL / HSS (with Transmitter Pro) Manual / TTL / HSS (with Transmitter Pro) 
Action modeFaster flash duration over the power range Faster flash duration over the power range
TTL FunctionYes, with Transmitter ProYes, with Transmitter Pro
HSS FunctionYes, with Transmitter ProYes, with Transmitter Pro
Flash colour temperature at max power

5900 K (Action) / 5600 K (HSS)

5900 K (Action) / 5600 K (HSS)
Flash colour stability over the power range (all modes)± 150 K± 150 K
Power stability± 0.5%± 0.5%
Beam Angle (degrees)
Auto power dumpingAdjusts power settings automatically in real timeAdjusts power settings automatically in real time
Fan cooledSmart proactive coolingSmart proactive cooling
IP ClassIP20IP20
Flash TubeEL-24091EL-24091


BatteryLi-Ion - Built-in - 41.04WhLi-Ion - Built-in - 41.04Wh
Battery capacity min/max power (LED lamp OFF)11250 / 525 9700 / 725
Battery capacity min/max power (LED lamp ON 100%) 9000 / 420 
Battery charge statusOn the display if ON and side logo if OFFOn the display if ON and side logo if OFF
Charging time (with 65W USB-C Wall Charger)

60 m (80%) – 100 m (100%) / Fast charge (unit ON)
80 m (80%) – 135 m (100%) / Slow charge (unit OFF)

60 m (80%) – 80 m (100%) / Fast charge (unit ON)
80 m (80%) – 100 m (100%) / Slow charge (unit OFF)

Charging time (with 18W 20000 mAh Power Bank)
USB-C sources need to be able to deliver at least 25W for fast charge to be activated 
80 m (80%) – 135 m (100%) / Fast charge (unit ON)
105 m (80%) – 180 m (100%) / Slow charge (unit OFF) 
80 m (80%) – 135 m (100%) / Fast charge (unit ON)
105 m (80%) – 180 m (100%) / Slow charge (unit OFF)


LED modeling lamp modesON/OFF, free, proportional, VFCON/OFF, free, proportional, VFC
LED modeling lamp power20W / equivalent to 120W / 3000 lm / CRI 9520W / equivalent to 120W / 3000 lm / CRI 95
LED modeling lamp color temperaturePresets from 2700 K to 6500 KPresets from 2700 K to 6500 K
LED run time (LED only, min/max power)10 hours / 90 minutes10 hours / 90 minutes


Skyport (built-in)20 frequency channels, 4 Groups20 frequency channels, 4 Groups
Skyport distance range (Transmitter Pro, manual mode)Indoor: up to 60 m / Outdoor: up to 200 mIndoor: up to 60 m / Outdoor: up to 200 m
Bluetooth® (built-in)Version 4.2 / Compatible Studio Software Win, Mac, iOS, Android Version 4.2 / Compatible Studio Software Win, Mac, iOS, Android
Skyport Frequency2404~2478MHz2404~2478MHz
Bluetooth® Frequency2402~2480MHz2402~2480MHz


Umbrella fitting (on tilt head)7-8 mm7-8 mm
Dimensions with Diffusion Dome and tilt head25.3 x 16.5 x 10.5 cm23.3 x 16.5 x 10.5 cm
Dimensions without Diffusion Dome and tilt head24.5 x 10 x 10 cm22.5 x 10 x 10 cm
Weight (with/without tilt head)1.65 kg / 1.45 kg1.5 kg / 1.3 kg

Product FAQ

Yes. Elinchrom ONE & THREE has built-in Bluetooth and you can control ONE & THREE with Elinchrom Studio Software and/or the iOS App/Android App. In addition, ONE & THREE have a built-in Skyport Bridge so they communicate automatically with older Elinchrom flashes that can also be controlled via smartphone and computer.

Active Charge is a function that allows you to charge the flash's battery while you are shooting. The connection on ONE & THREE is USB-C, which makes it possible to use a USB-C power adapter or power bank to charge the built-in battery while the device is being used.

To lock the touchscreen on the ONE & THREE, press the ON button while turning on the device for 9 seconds. The lock symbol indicates that the touchscreen is locked, to unlock, turn the device OFF and ON again.

It is perfect to use the built-in LED light on ONE & THREE as lighting for film and video production. The light quality is very high, which means that colors and skin tones are reproduced correctly. In addition, the LED light can be adjusted in brightness and the color temperature can be adjusted in fixed steps from 2700K to 6500K. The brightness of the LED light is approx. 3000 Lumen and corresponds to a halogen lamp of approx. 120W

ONE and THREE have an OCF mount for light shapers as standard, which gives access to a large range of light shapers from different manufacturers. In addition, an adapter for Elinchrom bayonet is always included when you buy ONE & THREE, which means that the entire Elinchrom range of light shapers fits.

Yes, at our service the battery can be replaced but this type of question is mostly asked by prospective owners of ONE & THREE, very rarely by users as battery capacity and battery life is first class on Elinchrom products. The built-in battery has a very high capacity, which combined with advanced control of battery charging gives a very long battery life. The combination of built-in battery with high capacity and Active Charging via USB-C connection gives ONE & THREE unique performance. Tip! Always charge the battery after shooting. A completely discharged Li-Ion battery can be damaged if it is left for a long time without maintenance charging.

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.949.00
Price1 186.25
Soon in Stock
Elinchrom THREE | Off Camera Flash Dual Kit

Elevate Your Adventures with the Elinchrom THREE Off Camera Dual Flash Kit- The Elinchrom THREE is your new portable off-camera flash companion. Experience true performance with its 261 Ws for images with perfect illumination, bringing them to life. With an integrated Li-Ion battery providing an impressive 525 full-power flashes, your workflow remains uninterrupted. Shape light to your desire using light shapers with optimal light spread, while the user-friendly touchscreen interface and built-in Bridge feature offer seamless control.

Transmitter Pro - Free of charge!

Elevate your adventures, capture extraordinary shots, and never settle for ordinary.

"Elinchrom THREE, never settle for ordinary"

True performance

With an accurate power of 261 Ws and 525 full power flashes, the Elinchrom THREE gives you the output you require to bring life to your images.

Elevate Your Adventures with the Elinchrom THREE

Even Faster

With a recycling time of 1.2 seconds at full power, the Elinchrom THREE is ready to match your creative speed.

Never lose momentum

Get 525 full-power flashes from the Elinchrom’s THREE integrated Li-Ion battery and connect any USB-C power source to continue shooting regardless of the battery’s power level. Keep your workflow uninterrupted.

Keep your workflow uninterrupted

Better Light Shaping

Designed around an unconcealed flashtube for optimal light spread, the Elinchrom THREE ensures you experience beautiful light quality even with light shapers from other brands. Take your pick between Elinchrom OCF, Profoto bayonet and traditional Elinchrom light shapers.

Navigate swiftly

With a touchscreen interface and quick menu, Elinchrom has streamlined the access to the THREE’s settings to ensure you never miss a chance to capture the moment.

Control from the tip of your finger

Control from the tip of your finger

With the Elinchrom’s THREE built-in Bridge, control all features of your THREE and your other Elinchrom units from your smartphone or computer. Seemless control for faster setup times.

Key Features

  • More power
    With an accurate 261 Ws, the Elinchrom THREE delivers more power than what other brands pretend to have.
  • As fast as you need it to go
    With a recycling time of 1.2 sec. at full power, the Elinchrom THREE helps you get the best possible shots.
  • Integrated Li-Ion battery
    Enables up to 525 full-power flashes on a single charge and can be charged from any USB-C source without proprietery spare batteries or chargers.
  • Active charging
    Connect the Elinchrom THREE to a power source and continue shooting while charging regardless of the battery’s power level.
  • Multipurpose
    Equipped with a bright and high quality bi-colour continuous LED light for enhanced video
  • Touch screen interface
    Intuitive, clever, and streamlined interface designed to provide the most efficient user experience and quick set up times.
  • Supreme portability
    Weighing only 1.6kg (3.6 lbs), the Elinchrom THREE is ready to travel with you anywhere and everywhere.
  • Elinchrom OCF modifier mount
    Compatible with most Profoto bayonet light shapers and the traditional Elinchrom bayonet via the included heavy-duty adapter.
  • Sync up to 1/8000s with HSS
    Freeze motion overpower ambient light and darken backgrounds.
  • TTL with manual lock
    Enables a quick switch from TTL to Manual without losing exposure settings.
  • Built in Bluetooth
    Adjust settings and control via the Elinchrom App and software without the need for the Elinchrom Bridge.

Elinchrom THREE Off-Camera Dual Flash Set

Items included

  • 2x Elinchrom THREE Off-Camera Flash
  • 2x Elinchrom OCF Diffusion Dome
  • 2x OCF Adapter
  • 2x Elinchrom 65W USB-C Wall Charger
  • 1x Case
  • 2 Year Warranty

Specifications Elinchrom OFF Camera Flash

SpecificationsElinchrom THREEElinchrom ONE
Energy261 Ws131 Ws
F-Stop (1m, 100 ISO, HP Reflector 26 cm, max power) f/64.3f/45.2
F-Stop (1m, 100 ISO, OCF Diffusion Dome, max power)f/22.0f/11.9
Power range (F-Stop) 6 F-stop5 F-stop
Power range (Ws/J)7-261 Ws7-131 Ws
Power range display0.1-5.3 (Elinchrom scale) / 4.8-10 (10 scale)0.1-4.3 (Elinchrom scale) / 5.8-10 (10 scale)
Power increments in Manual / TTL mode0.1 F-Stop / 0.3 F-Stop 0.1 F-Stop / 0.3 F-Stop
Flash duration t0.1 min/max power (Standard mode)1/1550 - 1/255s1/1530 - 1/155s
Flash duration t0.1 min/max power (Action mode)1/8500 - 1/440 sek1/7000 - 1/625 sek
Recycling time min/max power
0.08 / 1.2s0.06 / 0.9s
Flash modeManual / TTL / HSS (with Transmitter Pro) Manual / TTL / HSS (with Transmitter Pro) 
Action modeFaster flash duration over the power range Faster flash duration over the power range
TTL FunctionYes, with Transmitter ProYes, with Transmitter Pro
HSS FunctionYes, with Transmitter ProYes, with Transmitter Pro
Flash colour temperature at max power

5900 K (Action) / 5600 K (HSS)

5900 K (Action) / 5600 K (HSS)
Flash colour stability over the power range (all modes)± 150 K± 150 K
Power stability± 0.5%± 0.5%
Beam Angle (Degrees)
Auto power dumpingAdjusts power settings automatically in real timeAdjusts power settings automatically in real time
Fan cooledSmart proactive coolingSmart proactive cooling
IP ClassIP20IP20
Flash TubeEL-24091EL-24091


BatteryLi-Ion - Built-in - 41.04WhLi-Ion - Built-in - 41.04Wh
Battery capacity min/max power (LED lamp OFF)11250 / 525 9700 / 725
Battery capacity min/max power (LED lamp ON 100%) 9000 / 420 
Battery charge statusOn the display if ON and side logo if OFFOn the display if ON and side logo if OFF
Charging time (with 65W USB-C Wall Charger)

60 m (80%) – 100 m (100%) / Fast charge (unit ON)
80 m (80%) – 135 m (100%) / Slow charge (unit OFF)

60 m (80%) – 80 m (100%) / Fast charge (unit ON)
80 m (80%) – 100 m (100%) / Slow charge (unit OFF)

Charging time (with 18W 20000 mAh Power Bank)
USB-C sources need to be able to deliver at least 25W for fast charge to be activated 
80 m (80%) – 135 m (100%) / Fast charge (unit ON)
105 m (80%) – 180 m (100%) / Slow charge (unit OFF) 
80 m (80%) – 135 m (100%) / Fast charge (unit ON)
105 m (80%) – 180 m (100%) / Slow charge (unit OFF)


LED modeling lamp modesON/OFF, free, proportional, VFCON/OFF, free, proportional, VFC
LED modeling lamp power20W / equivalent to 120W / 3000 lm / CRI 9520W / equivalent to 120W / 3000 lm / CRI 95
LED modeling lamp color temperaturePresets from 2700 K to 6500 KPresets from 2700 K to 6500 K
LED run time (LED only, min/max power)10 hours / 90 minutes10 hours / 90 minutes


Skyport (built-in)20 frequency channels, 4 Groups20 frequency channels, 4 Groups
Skyport distance range (Transmitter Pro, manual mode)Indoor: up to 60 m / Outdoor: up to 200 mIndoor: up to 60 m / Outdoor: up to 200 m
Bluetooth® (built-in)Version 4.2 / Compatible Studio Software Win, Mac, iOS, Android Version 4.2 / Compatible Studio Software Win, Mac, iOS, Android
Skyport Frequency2404~2478MHz2404~2478MHz
Bluetooth® Frequency2402~2480MHz2402~2480MHz


Umbrella fitting (on tilt head)7-8 mm7-8 mm
Dimensions with Diffusion Dome and tilt head25.3 x 16.5 x 10.5 cm23.3 x 16.5 x 10.5 cm
Dimensions without Diffusion Dome and tilt head24.5 x 10 x 10 cm22.5 x 10 x 10 cm
Weight (with/without tilt head)1.65 kg / 1.45 kg1.5 kg / 1.3 kg

Product FAQ

Yes. Elinchrom ONE & THREE has built-in Bluetooth and you can control ONE & THREE with Elinchrom Studio Software and/or the iOS App/Android App. In addition, ONE & THREE have a built-in Skyport Bridge so they communicate automatically with older Elinchrom flashes that can also be controlled via smartphone and computer.

Active Charge is a function that allows you to charge the flash's battery while you are shooting. The connection on ONE & THREE is USB-C, which makes it possible to use a USB-C power adapter or power bank to charge the built-in battery while the device is being used.

To lock the touchscreen on the ONE & THREE, press the ON button while turning on the device for 9 seconds. The lock symbol indicates that the touchscreen is locked, to unlock, turn the device OFF and ON again.

It is perfect to use the built-in LED light on ONE & THREE as lighting for film and video production. The light quality is very high, which means that colors and skin tones are reproduced correctly. In addition, the LED light can be adjusted in brightness and the color temperature can be adjusted in fixed steps from 2700K to 6500K. The brightness of the LED light is approx. 3000 Lumen and corresponds to a halogen lamp of approx. 120W

ONE and THREE have an OCF mount for light shapers as standard, which gives access to a large range of light shapers from different manufacturers. In addition, an adapter for Elinchrom bayonet is always included when you buy ONE & THREE, which means that the entire Elinchrom range of light shapers fits.

Yes, at our service the battery can be replaced but this type of question is mostly asked by prospective owners of ONE & THREE, very rarely by users as battery capacity and battery life is first class on Elinchrom products. The built-in battery has a very high capacity, which combined with advanced control of battery charging gives a very long battery life. The combination of built-in battery with high capacity and Active Charging via USB-C connection gives ONE & THREE unique performance. Tip! Always charge the battery after shooting. A completely discharged Li-Ion battery can be damaged if it is left for a long time without maintenance charging.

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.1 799.00
Price2 248.75
In stock
Elinchrom Transmitter Pro

The Elinchrom Transmitter Pro offers more convenience and reliability than any other wireless triggering system. Powered by 2.4 Ghz bandwidth, the transmitter enables remote control and triggering capabilities over 40 frequency channels of 4 groups per channel with the range extended to up to 200 m

New Visual Feedback Interface

The Large LCD display of the Transmitter Pro features two-way control via a new Visual Feedback Interface that lets you see the exact power of every light in your setup right on the transmitter. Users control each light’s power level and modeling lamp setting directly from the Skyport transmitter, which instantly shows the updated power settings. This provides unsurpassed levels of "two-way communication and control" for every light in your setup right from your camera.

Hi-Sync opens up the world of flash photography to explore even further

Elinchrom Hi-Sync technology lets you go beyond the X-Sync of your camera. Photographers can simply switch to Hi-Sync mode and access sync speeds up to 1/8000s to freeze motion, overpower the sun, darken backgrounds or use a wider aperture. The new ODS (Over Drive Sync) enables users to fine tune the Transmitter Pro transmitter’s trigger signal to optimize exposure at high shutter speeds while gaining up to 2 more f-stops of light.

The Transmitter Pro has 20 frequency channels that can be used for either Normal or Speed mode. The transmitter attaches easily and securely to the hotshoe with its one-touch quick-lock mechanism, and is powered by 2x AA batteries. It also features an integrated AF Illuminator for faster focusing and a mini-USB socket for firmware updates. Users can instantly distinguish what sync mode they are in as the backlit display glows green for normal sync mode, and red for speed sync mode. They can also enjoy a range of up to 656ft (200m) outdoors, and up to 196ft (60m) indoors.

The Transmitter Pro continues the Elinchrom commitment to quality; providing photographers with tools to enhance their shooting experience while also showing how Elinchrom is looking firmly ahead to the future. The Transmitter Pro represents a seamless extension of the EL-Skyport family since it is also compatible with the three previous generations of flash units (including the EL- Skyport Transceiver RX module for Style RX, Digital RX, and Ranger RX systems, and the integrated EL-Skyport modules for the BRX, D-Lite RX, ELC Pro HD, and ELB series.) The Transmitter Pro adds synchronization capability and "two-way control" functionality to all Elinchrom lights with EL-Skyport capability.

The Transmitter Pro is the first in a long list of exciting engineering collaborations with design partner, Phottix and allows Skyport to boast the best quality, reliability and range ever available.

Elinchrom Transmitter Pro Features:

  • Large LCD with unique, real-time display of remote flash power settings
  • Easy access buttons and Digital Dial for fast setup and control
  • 20 Channels*, 4 Groups for Normal and Speed Sync Modes
  • Hi-Sync, up to 1/8000sec with Sony, Canon and Nikon cameras
  • Extended working range up to 656ft (200m)
  • AF Illuminator and sure-lock mounting foot
  • USB port for future-proof upgrades

The Transmitter Pro is currently available for Canon, Nikon, Sony and Olympus/Panasonic.


  • Frequency Band 2.4 GHz
  • Channels 40; (20 in Normal mode – green / 20 in Speed mode – red)
  • Groups 4: 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Flash synchronization Normal: limited to the native X-sync of your camera
  • Hi-Sync mode: up to a 1/8000 sec. 2nd curtain sync: only Canon
  • Range: Up to 200m for triggering
  • Infrared AF Assist Beam: Yes
  • Connection Foot for Canon hotshoe (19366), Sony hotshoe (19371) and Nikon Hotshoe (19367)
  • Mini-USB for firmware updates 2.5 mm remote release
  • Power source 2x AA batteries
  • Indicators and Controls
  • LCD screen display:
  • Sync mode, group, channel, ODS activation, Hi-Sync activation, shutter mode, remaining battery power, flash unit name, flash unit ID, flash unit power level, flash unit modelling level
  • Buttons:
    Group selection, test, rotation ring to change values, confirmation, on/off and refresh.
    There are also 4 buttons with variable functionality: Power +/-, Modelling lamp off/prop/free, Individual unit selection and setup on the dashboard. Menu up, menu down and exit in the setup menu.
  • Dimensions: 84.1 x 68.3 x 58.5 mm (3.3 x 2.7 x 2.3")
  • Weight: 120 g without batteries

In the box

  • Elinchrom Transmitter Pro
  • (2 x AA batteries are not included due to new air transport regulations)
  • Mini-USB cable
  • 2-year warranty

The Skyport HS offers convenience and reliability that hasn't been available with any transmitter before now. It also incoperates so many new advanced features and options that it opens up a whole new world in flash photography. I haven't been this excited about a new product announcement in a long time!"

Michael Clark - Adventure Photographer

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.191.96
In stock
Elinchrom Rotalux 70cm Deep Octa

Elinchrom Rotalux Deep Octa 70 cm. Rotalux deep octa softboxes have become the most popular shape among Rotalux users. The narrow shaped Deep Octa reduces the spread of light and offers sharper shadows compared to standard sized octagonal softboxes. They provide a very even diffuse light over the front screen and are an excellent crispy and direct light when used without diffusers to give a beauty dish look.

Elinchrom Rotalux

Rotalux Deep Octa 70 cm offers a transportable compact size and a carrying bag. The ELB 400 and ELB 500 TTL heads require the Reflector Adapter // EL-26342.
The light characteristic is similar to the Deep Octa 100 cm. A directed crispy light, when used without the external or internal diffusers.
Please note the Speedring is not included and must be ordered separately.

Product FAQ

Do not wash a White Diffuser yourself; the white color and the black frame might change. To clean the Diffuser, we advise contacting a dry cleaner shop. In case something goes wrong, you can order a new diffuser as a spare part from your us.

We have a complete range of grids for the Rotalux range, the Rotagrid. Learn more about the Rotagrids. Please note, we currently don’t offer Grids for the Litemotiv range. You may find Grids for the Litemotiv Octa at Lighttools..

Elinchrom - About

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.102.75
In stock
Rotalux Speedring Elinchrom

Elinchrom Rotalux Speedring. The new strengthened Rotalux speedring ensures that the mechanical moveable parts will withstand hard work stress and when assembled and disassembled. Now just one Elinchrom speedring to build 11 Rotalux shapes. The blue and red colour marks will indicate and help how to setup square/ recta and strip shaped Rotalux Softboxes. Elinchrom speedrings could be identified by the Elinchrom brand, molded on the speedring.

This speedring is designed specifically to be used with Elinchrom flash heads and Rotalux softboxes, providing a secure and stable attachment point for the softbox.

High-quality materials

The Elinchrom Speedring for Rotalux softbox is made from high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. The speedring is made from lightweight and robust aluminum, which is both strong and easy to handle. It also features a locking mechanism that ensures that the softbox is securely attached to the flash head, preventing any accidental detachment or movement during use.

Rotatable 360 degrees

The speed ring can be easily rotated 360 degrees and locked with a locking knob. An invaluable feature when positioning the softbox in the exact right position.

Very easy to use

The Elinchrom Speedring for Rotalux softbox is also very easy to use. It is designed to be simple and straightforward, allowing photographers to quickly set up their lighting equipment and start shooting. The speedring features a standard mount that can be easily attached to any Elinchrom flash head, making it compatible with a wide range of lighting setups.

Use with a variety of different softbox sizes and shapes

Another great feature of the Elinchrom Speedring for Rotalux softbox is its versatility. It can be used with a variety of different softbox sizes and shapes, allowing photographers to choose the right softbox for their specific lighting needs. This makes it an ideal accessory for portrait, fashion, product, and commercial photographers who require precise control over their lighting.

Available in 8 versions of Rotalux Speedring:

  • Rotalux Speedring Elinchrom
  • Rotalux Speedring S-mount/Bowens
  • Rotalux Speedring for Profoto
  • Rotalux Speedring for Broncolor Pulso
  • Rotalux Speedring Hensel EH
  • Rotalux Speedring AlienBee/Balcar
  • Rotalux Speedring Comet
  • Rotalux Speedring Profoto OCF

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom started its production of studio flashes in Switzerland as early as 1962 and has since been at the forefront of the development of studio lights for professional photographers and enthusiasts. Thanks to close contact with photographers all over the world, Elinchrom can create products that give the photographer maximum function and performance at very favorable prices. Elinchrom offers a very wide range of studio flashes, light shapers and studio accessories built to meet the highest demands and needs of enthusiastic photographers and professional photographers.

Price, VAT excl.34.50
In stock
Elinchrom Umbrella Deep Translucent 105cm

Elinchrom Umbrella Deep Translucent 105 cm. Umbrellas are renowned for their ease and speed of use, but not all umbrella systems are equal. The wide angle internal reflector within each Elinchrom light source smoothly illuminates the complete surface of all umbrellas. Contributing to this is the exceptional quality of our carefully selected fabrics. Combined with our unique central umbrella tube location, these elements together deliver an affordable quality of light which is un-surpassed. Elinchrom deep umbrellas are manufactured using 16 fiberglass rods to maintain a perfect circular shape.

Elinchrom Translucent Deep Umbrella

Translucent Deep Umbrella

The Translucent umbrella offers a choice between shoot-through and reflected use. The difference between the two can easily be seen in the catch-light of any reflective surface. It provides a wider spread of light evenly filling a broad area.


  • Diameter: 105 cm
  • 16 fiberglass rods for circular shape
  • Total control of light spread
  • Includes portable umbrella sleeve
  • Optional black panel for versatility and for a softbox-like effect

The Elinchrom deep umbrella line offers six new deep-shaped umbrellas in 105 cm and 125 cm -- silver, white and translucent.

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.88.31
In stock
Manfrotto Skylite Rapid Medium Kit 1.1x2m

Manfrotto Skylite Rapid Medium Kit 1.1 x 2 m. The rectangual panel is a very versatile size, easily mounted on a single light stand or light enough to be hand held. It is available in kit form or as individual components allowing you to build your own configurations. The Skylite Rapid system - For the location photographer who needs lighting control in the most demanding situations. The Skylite Rapid's collapsible but rigid aluminium frame delivers reliable performance even in windy conditions, while the Skylite Rapid change covers simply clip in to place giving maximum versatility. The Skylite Rapid frames, fabrics and accessories are available separately or as kits so you can mix and match as you choose.

  • Aluminum frame
  • Rust resistant
  • Elastic rope goes through the frame
  • The cloths have Clips for quick assembly
  • Perfect for photography & film

Manfrotto Skylite Rapid Serie


  • Aluminium Frame
  • Resistant to rust so ideal for outdoors
  • An elastic cord runs through the aluminium making it impossible to lose parts or leave anything behind
  • Skylite Rapid change covers clip easily into place for an impressively taut finish
  • Bag included

Manfrotto Skylite Rapid

Skylite Rapid Medium Kit includes

  • Skylight Rapid Frame Medium 1.1 x 2 m
  • Silver/White Reflector
  • 1.25 Stops Diffuser with clips
  • Skylight Rigid carry case



110 cm

Width200 cm
Weight3100 g
Surface DiffuserWhite Diffuser with -1.25/f
Surface ReflectorSilver / White

Lastolite by Manfrotto - Authorized Distributor

Manfrotto has since 1978 designed and manufactured photo accessories for professional photographers and enthusiasts for use in the studio and on location. The products are characterized by innovative solutions that simplify the photographer's work and enthuse increased creativity. The range includes reflective screens, photo backgrounds, softboxes, umbrellas, diffusers, camera accessories and a wide range of accessories for product photography and photo studio.

Price, VAT excl.338.75
In stock
Manfrotto Ligtning Stand 1004BAC

Transportable and compact, the Manfrotto Master Stand is an innovative must-have. Made from reliable and lightweight aluminium, it won’t weigh you down and is sturdy enough to support up to 9 kg. Featuring an innovative quick stack system, the stand can be bought together or separately. The camera Master Stand comes with a range of pole sizes including 18, 20, 23, and 30 cm. Connect them according to your needs for a made-to-measure piece of equipment; an innovative space-saving feature. Practical as well as clever, its compact design easily fits into your bag so you’ll always be ready for those demanding outdoor shoots. Slot everything neatly into a more compact case to keep things neat at the studio.

  • Compact 4 section stand with 3 risers supporting up to 9 kg
  • Innovative stacking system for potability
  • Smooth air movement cushioning protects gear and fingers
  • Equipped with spigot and removable adapter for versatility
  • Extra wide 160 cm footprint for complete stability

The photo Master Stand comes in 4 sections with 3 risers, giving you complete precision. It features air cushioning so you can work quickly without worrying about catching your fingers or your gear. The wide footprint opens up to 106cms to keep your shots steady even on rougher grounds. Universally flexible, the spigot has an M10 x 1.5 thread, as well as a removable M6 x 1 thread. Its impressive height range of 366cms to 106cms allows you to capture new perspectives.


  • Weight: 3 kg
  • Air Cushioned: Yes
  • Top Attachment: 1/4″ screw, 3/8″ screw, 5/8″ (16mm) stud
  • Color: Black
  • Material Base: Aluminum
  • Maximum Height: 366 cm
  • Minimum height: 124 cm
  • Max Payload 9 kg

Manfrotto - Imagine More

Based in Northern Italy at Cassola, Manfrotto designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of camera and lighting support equipment for the professional photographic, film, theatre, live entertainment and video markets. The product line includes an extensive range of camera tripods and heads, lighting stands and accessories.

Price, VAT excl.125.51
In stock