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Create a new account

To be able to place an order you can either create an account or choose to registrate your details with every new order.

Fill in the form below, or contact us by phone at +4687200645 or by mail at and we will register you as a customer.

By submitting this registration you approve of your personal details being added to our customers register. Registrated details will be used for your convenience only to provide best possible service. Details will be handled safely within AIFO AB. We undertake not to forward any details from our database, other than to our associates within the company or to the extent of applicable


Welcome to us!

Aifo AB

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Fields marked * are required.
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Registration terms
By submitting this registration you approve of your personal details being added to our customers register. Please handle your username and password with caution. Permit use only to authorized personnel.                                                                                                
We undertake not to forward any details from our database, other than to our associates within the company or to the extent of applicable law.                                                         
Aifo AB