Designed to be part of your regular camera kit, with a focus on portability and simplifying setup, there’s no need to ever go without Motion Control again.
Tracking shots and add amazing production value to your films. Create ultra-smooth tracking with minimal setup time with a Syrp camera slider.
Syrp's motion control devices for photography and video are designed to meet the needs of every photographer and videographer. Each product is designed to match every style and type of camera including DSLR, mirrorless and cinema cameras. From camera motion control systems to tracks and tilt platforms, Manfrotto have a range of devices to support motion time-lapse and video. The collection includes a range of Genie motion control solutions crafted by the team at Syrp Lab with the latest technology and packed with features. A number of our motion control devices connect with our iOS and Android app for wireless control allowing you to program complex movements and level up your content.
Our camera sliders and tracks are built to meet the needs of every photographer and videographer. The range features camera sliders developed by Syrp Lab - the innovative and creative thinkers behind the Genie suite - and camera tracks built for the demands of professional filming. A number of products in our range are portable and lighweight and the range of carbon fibre products means you'll never having to sacrifice camera gear for suitcase space as you travel between shoots.
Built on a foundation of filmmaking and innovative design. Syrp's in house expertise in software, hardware, design, and content creation has built a legacy of award-winning equipment over the last 10 years.