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Mini sized professional photo studio

Superstudio i kompakt storlek

På relativt liten yta har Janne och Lotta på Rönnlunds Foto skapat en fantastisk fotostudio anpassad för porträtt- och familjefotografering. Genom en rad smarta lösningar känns den välutrustade studion rymlig trots begränsad storlek. Vi tittar närmare på hur de byggt upp sin fotoateljén.

Rönnlunds Foto - Studio


För att undvika eventuella färgstick målas taket vitt och väggarna neutralt gråa. Detta ger också hög kontroll över ljusflödet under fotograferingarna.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio


Vidden på studion passar perfekt för bakgrunder upp till bredd 2,75 m. Här gör Janne och Lotta flera smarta val. För att slippa tunga byten av bakgrundspappersrullar väljer de att använda vinylbakgrunder som är mer slitstarka och enkelt kan rengöras/torkas av mellan fotograferingar.
Vinylbakgrunder i tre nyanser hängs upp vilket ger möjlighet att snabbt kunna variera bilderna under fotografering.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio

Colorama-RollEasy Vinylbakgrunderna placeras i taket och valet av upphängning blir Colorama RollEasy, ett system anpassat för tyngre fotobakgrunder.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio

Colorama RollEasy kan monteras i tak eller vägg och kan stegvis anpassas efter det antal bakgrundsrullar man behöver. Konstruktionen är mycket robust och ned-upprullning görs med vev, likt en terassmarkis.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio

Utrymmet bakom bakgrunderna utnyttjas effektivt och blir en plats för rekvisita och studiotillbehör.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio


När ytan är begränsad är det klokt att hålla golvet så rent som möjlig från skrymmande föremål. Har man högt till tak kan man använda taksystem för blixtarna. Är inte det möjligt får man vara lite mer uppfinningsrik om man vill undvika golvstativ.
I Rönnlunds ateljé kombinerade Janne och Lotta olika väggupphängningar för maximal funktionalitet.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio

För att kunna placera de stora softboxarna Litemotiv Indirecta så nära bakgrundsvinylerna som möjligt monteras två Avenger F809, vinklade väggfästen, på både höger och vänster sida. Ljusplaceringen blir perfekt för kantljus och sidoljus av modellerna.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio

För huvudljus och effektljus används Manfrotto ledade väggarmar vilka placeras så nära tak som möjligt.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio

Genom att använda Elinchrom batteriblixtar, ELB 500 TTL och ELB 1200, kan bomarmarna användas i sin fulla längd tack vare lamphuvudenas låga vikt. Bägge blixtarna kan drivas direkt från vägguttag när de används i studion så att de alltid står redo för uppdrag utanför studion.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio


Janne och Lotta har noga tänkt igenom varje detalj för att göra fotograferingen enkel, störningsfri och professionell. Fotograferingen sker tethered, med direktfångst till datorn. Det ger stora fördelar genom att de under fotografering ser bilden på datorns bildskärm vilket gör bedömning av bilden enkel och kunden kan ta del av resultatet så att mindre anpassningar kan göras vid behov om så önskas.

Datorn är placerad på Tether Tools Aero datorbord med ett rullstativ. En favorit bland Elinchroms ljusformare är Litemotiv 120cm som även den är placerad på rullstativ vilket förenklar snabba justeringar av ljusets position (denna softbox är för djup för att ha fast monterad på väggstativ).

Rönnlunds Foto


Genom att trådlöst koppla samtliga studioblixtar till datorn via Elinchrom Bridge och programmet Elinchrom Studio får Janne och Lotta flera fördelar. De kan namnge varje blixts placering i Elinchrom Studio vilket underlättar finjusteringen av blixtarnas uteffekt under fotografering.

Rönnlunds Foto - Fotostudio

Dessutom kan olika fotosessioner sparas så att att de snabbt och enkelt kan återskapa ljussättningar. Perfekt när en återkommande kund kommer in ett år efter första fotografering och vill fylla på väggens familjeporträtt med fler bilder av samma stil.

Rönnlunds Foto

Rönnlunds Foto

Rönnlunds Foto består av Jan Rönnlund och Lotta Eriksson som jobbar tillsammans i studion och on location. Deras arbetsdagar består av allt från bröllop till reklamfotograferingar och uppdragen tar dem över hela Sverige. Jan och Lotta arbetar ofta i varierande miljö både inomhus och utomhus vilket gör att de satsat på batteridrivna blixtar från Elinchrom.
Med kombinationen ELB 1200 och ELB 500 TTL har de blixtar som är starka nog att skapa snygga ljussättningar i alla väderförhållanden och som ger snabbhet att klara de mest krävande omständigheter under tidspress.

Mer om Rönnlunds Foto »

Utrustning i Rönnlunds Foto Studio

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Number of articles 18
Elinchrom ELB 500 TTL Dual To Go

ELB 500 TTL Dual To Go is the perfect set to be used with total asymmetry. With two independent flash heads, the unit offers a wide variety of lighting possibilities. Combined with the TTL and HSS feature, it’s effortless to use while delivering exceptional high-end results. Challenging situations are now simple thanks to TTL. Be ready within seconds and enjoy beautiful light right from the first shot with TTL. If necessary, quickly switch to manual on your transmitter to take full control of your ELB 500 TTL. Set the light you want, in all simplicity.

  • TTL / HSS
  • Shutter speed down to 1/8000 sec
  • Action mode - Flash duration down to 1/20 000 sec
  • Number of flashes min/max power 28 000/400
  • Lamp heads only 250 gram (Optimal for outdoor photography)
  • Full asymmetry between lamp heads
  • Remote control from Computer, Iphone and Android

Speed up your workflow with Elinchrom Bridge and the Elinchrom iOS App

Photographers can control their Elinchrom lighting setup in the easiest and fastest way from a iOS mobile device. This application will not only help photographers with complex setups but also basic 2 units setups. Users can control and change settings of their lights faster than ever. The Elinchrom Bridge is the required link between enabled Elinchrom units and mobile devices running the Elinchrom App.

Elinchrom iOS App

Get the perfect shot right from the start

Power with HSS

With 500 Ws, the ELB 500 TTL easily overpowers the sun. The Elinchrom Pro transmitter gives you access to High Speed Sync to seamlessly synchronise at speeds of up to a 1/8000s. Freeze motion, darken and overpower the ambient light or use wider aperture. Creating a dreamy background has never been easier.

The Most Powerful Portable TTL Light Ever

Endless Freedom

The ELB 500 TTL offers you total freedom in a lightweight and portable solution while still delivering 400 full power flashes on a single charge. Freeze motion in action mode or use HSS, rely on the battery for on location work or plug into the mains while shooting in studio with the Active Charge feature. No matter what you want to shoot, the ELB 500 TTL will deliver!

“The ELB 500 TTL gives me the freedom to truly connect with my subject”

Brett Florens

Exceptional Light Quality

10 times more powerful than an on-camera flash, the ELB 500 TTL doesn’t compromise light quality for ease of use and portability. Together with the Elinchrom range of accessories, benefit from perfect light distribution and generate high-end light quality with countless setups anywhere you shoot. With unmatched colour and light consistency, get the perfect shot right from the start.

Focus on the stories you want to share

Unlimited Creativity

The ELB 500 TTL offers you the fun and creativity of flash photography. It is the perfect all-round portable studio flash for all your imaging. The unit offers a wide variety of lighting possibilities when used with two asymmetrical controllable flash heads. Combined with the TTL and HSS feature, it’s effortless to use while delivering exceptional high-end results.

Seamless From Top to Bottom

Your workflow becomes easier and faster than ever with the ELB 500 TTL thanks to the TTL and seamless HSS features. The unit works just like an assistant. Concentrate on the story you want to tell and produce better images in just a few steps.


Key Features & Benefits

  • TTL To Manual - Fast Setup, Better Workflow
    Enjoy beautiful light right from the first shot with TTL and if necessary, quickly switch to manual to take full control of the unit.
  • HSS - Synchronise at Speeds of up to a 1/8000s
    Seamlessly freeze motion, darken and overpower the ambient light or use wider aperture.
  • 1x Q-Head - One Head For All Needs
    One head to make photographer choices easier than ever.
  • Elinchrom Transmitter Pro - Firmware Update
    The Skyport Plus HS can be easily upgraded to a Transmitter Pro to benefit of TTL with the ELB 500 TTL.
  • Power With HSS
    The ELB 500 TTL is the first unit to benefit from enough power while using HSS.
  • Asymmetry - Total Freedom
    With its two independent flash heads, the unit offers a wide variety of lighting possibilities.
  • Active Charge - Charge While Shooting
    Ability to charge the battery while actively shooting, making the pack easy to use in studio and on-location.
  • Skyport® & Phottix® Compatibility

    Ability to use with Phottix, Skyport Transmitters and any Speedlights.

Set Configuration - ELB 500 TTL To Go

  • ELB 500 TTL
  • Li-Ion Battery
  • Charger
  • Sync Cord 5m
  • 2x ELB 500 - Head, with flash cable 2.5m
  • Protective Cap for Flash Head
  • Reflector 18cm
  • Reflector 13,5cm
  • Snappy Case with Shoulder Strap
  • ProTec Location Bag

Specifications ELB 500 TTL

Flash Power500 Ws/J
Power DistributionFull Asymmetry
Power Range7 F-Stops
Flash DurationAction: 1/20 000 sec - Normal: 1/3 400 sec
Recycling Time0,05 - 2 seconds
BatteryRemovable Li-Ion 14,4 V / 72 W/h
Battery Capacity400 - 28 000 Flashes (Full Power / Min. Power)
Dimensions (L x W x H)16,3 x 9 x 18,1 cm
Weight (Unit + Battery)2,48 kg
Weight (Battery)0,73 kg
Weight (Flash Head)0,66 kg
CompatibilitySkyport: Elinchrom Transmitter Pro
Phottix: Phottix Odin II Transmitter
Compatibility Elinchrom Transmitter ProNikon, Canon, Sony, Pentax, Fuji, Olympus/Panasonic

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.


Price, VAT excl.15 996
Price19 995
Soon in Stock
Elinchrom ELC Pro HD 1000 To Go Set

Elinchrom ELC PRO HD 1000/1000 To Go Set. These units are the highest performing compacts from Elinchrom. Equipped with an OLED display for an easy and precise user expe-rience the ELC Pro HD benefits from cutting edge technology. Recycling times are lightning fast at 1.2 seconds to full power while Swiss precision guarantees consistent power time after time, shot after shot. But hardware isn’t all. The software built into this unit gives you the freedom to configure the ELC to your individual style of shooting, for every application. This set includes the latest Elinchrom Skyport transmitter Plus. A strong and robust design which enables photographer to simply trigger and adjust flash power up to 200 m (656 feet) away, optimize reception by its swivel functionality and is powered by AA batteries.

  • Lightning fast recycling
  • Navigate with ease
  • Superfast flash durations
  • Widest power range
  • Perfect color and exposure accuracy


  • Superfast flash durations across the complete power range with visual confirmation on the OLED display
  • ELC Pro HD 1000: up to 1/5260s flash duration
  • Huge power range - 8 f-stops
  • User selectable and even shorter recycling times. Now you will never miss a shot!
  • Even better colour and power stability
  • Unique OLED power display for information and clarity
  • Three unique creative modes; Strobo mode, up to 20 Hz
  • Delayed mode, from 0.001 – 10 s, for second curtain sync and other effects
  • Sequence mode, up to 20 units can be synchronized in sequence to keep up with the fastest motordrive at up to the full power of the flash
  • All special features utilize the full flash curve with normal colour balance
  • User replaceable plug-in flashtube
  • Multi-voltage auto-detection : 90-270 V (excluding modelling lamp)

Set configuration

  • 2x ELC Pro HD 1000; incl. 300 W lamp, protective cap, sync cord and mains cable
  • 2x Glass dome transparent
  • 2x Wide reflector 16 cm 90°
  • 1x EL-Skyport Transmitter Plus
  • ProTec Location Bag

Specifikationer ELC 500

SpecificationElinchrom ELC 500 Pro HDElinchrom ELC 1000 Pro HD
Energy522 Ws1045 Ws
F-stop (1m, ISO100, Refl 48°)f/64,8f/90,4
Power range f-stop7 f-stop8 f-stop
Power range Ws7-522 Ws7-1044 Ws
Power range Elinchrom scale0,1-6,30,1-7,3
Power increments1/10 f-stop1/10 f-stop
Flash duration t=0.5 Max power1/2330 sec1/1430 sec
Flash duration t=0.5 Min power1/2940 sec1/2780 sec
Best Flsh duration at power3,1 (1/5000 sec)3,6 (1/5260)
Flash modesStrobo, Delay SequenceStrobo, Delay Sequence
Auto Power dumpingYesYes
Max Flashes per sec at min power20 flashes/sec20 flashes/sec
Recycling Slow2.0 sec4.0 sec
Recycling Default0,75 sec1,5 sec
Recycling Fast0,6 sec1,2 sec
Color temperature in Kelvin at max power5600 K5600 K
Color temperature Stability± 200 K± 200 K
Power Stability± 0,1%± 0,1%
Multi-Voltage90 - 265V90 - 265V
Modelling lampHalogen 300 W /GX 6,35Halogen 300 W /GX 6,35
Color temperature Modelling lamp3400 K3400 K
Flash tubePlug-in, EL-24080Plug-In, EL-24080
Skyport Built inBuilt in, 20 Frekvenser / 4 GrupperBuilt in, 20 Frekvenser / 4 Grupper
Skyport Range60m Indoor, 200m Outddor60m Indoor, 200m Outdoor
Sync socket3,5mm (5V)3,5mm (5V)
Built in FanYes, electronically intelegent temperarture controlled fanYes, electronically intelegent temperarture controlled fan
Protection classIP20IP20
Umbrella fittingCentred, for Elinchrom 7 mm + Extra for larger umbrellasCentred, for Elinchrom 7 mm + Extra for larger umbrellas
Power consumption Slow350 W350 W
Power consumption Default700 W700 W
Power consumption Fast875 W875 W
Size31,5 x 14 x 21 cm31,5 x 14 x 21 cm
Weight2,5 Kg2,5 Kg

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.21 900
Price27 375
In stock
Elinchrom Transmitter Pro

The Elinchrom Transmitter Pro offers more convenience and reliability than any other wireless triggering system. Powered by 2.4 Ghz bandwidth, the transmitter enables remote control and triggering capabilities over 40 frequency channels of 4 groups per channel with the range extended to up to 200 m

New Visual Feedback Interface

The Large LCD display of the Transmitter Pro features two-way control via a new Visual Feedback Interface that lets you see the exact power of every light in your setup right on the transmitter. Users control each light’s power level and modeling lamp setting directly from the Skyport transmitter, which instantly shows the updated power settings. This provides unsurpassed levels of "two-way communication and control" for every light in your setup right from your camera.

Hi-Sync opens up the world of flash photography to explore even further

Elinchrom Hi-Sync technology lets you go beyond the X-Sync of your camera. Photographers can simply switch to Hi-Sync mode and access sync speeds up to 1/8000s to freeze motion, overpower the sun, darken backgrounds or use a wider aperture. The new ODS (Over Drive Sync) enables users to fine tune the Transmitter Pro transmitter’s trigger signal to optimize exposure at high shutter speeds while gaining up to 2 more f-stops of light.

The Transmitter Pro has 20 frequency channels that can be used for either Normal or Speed mode. The transmitter attaches easily and securely to the hotshoe with its one-touch quick-lock mechanism, and is powered by 2x AA batteries. It also features an integrated AF Illuminator for faster focusing and a mini-USB socket for firmware updates. Users can instantly distinguish what sync mode they are in as the backlit display glows green for normal sync mode, and red for speed sync mode. They can also enjoy a range of up to 656ft (200m) outdoors, and up to 196ft (60m) indoors.

The Transmitter Pro continues the Elinchrom commitment to quality; providing photographers with tools to enhance their shooting experience while also showing how Elinchrom is looking firmly ahead to the future. The Transmitter Pro represents a seamless extension of the EL-Skyport family since it is also compatible with the three previous generations of flash units (including the EL- Skyport Transceiver RX module for Style RX, Digital RX, and Ranger RX systems, and the integrated EL-Skyport modules for the BRX, D-Lite RX, ELC Pro HD, and ELB series.) The Transmitter Pro adds synchronization capability and "two-way control" functionality to all Elinchrom lights with EL-Skyport capability.

The Transmitter Pro is the first in a long list of exciting engineering collaborations with design partner, Phottix and allows Skyport to boast the best quality, reliability and range ever available.

Elinchrom Transmitter Pro Features:

  • Large LCD with unique, real-time display of remote flash power settings
  • Easy access buttons and Digital Dial for fast setup and control
  • 20 Channels*, 4 Groups for Normal and Speed Sync Modes
  • Hi-Sync, up to 1/8000sec with Sony, Canon and Nikon cameras
  • Extended working range up to 656ft (200m)
  • AF Illuminator and sure-lock mounting foot
  • USB port for future-proof upgrades

The Transmitter Pro is currently available for Canon, Nikon, Sony and Olympus/Panasonic.


  • Frequency Band 2.4 GHz
  • Channels 40; (20 in Normal mode – green / 20 in Speed mode – red)
  • Groups 4: 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Flash synchronization Normal: limited to the native X-sync of your camera
  • Hi-Sync mode: up to a 1/8000 sec. 2nd curtain sync: only Canon
  • Range: Up to 200m for triggering
  • Infrared AF Assist Beam: Yes
  • Connection Foot for Canon hotshoe (19366), Sony hotshoe (19371) and Nikon Hotshoe (19367)
  • Mini-USB for firmware updates 2.5 mm remote release
  • Power source 2x AA batteries
  • Indicators and Controls
  • LCD screen display:
  • Sync mode, group, channel, ODS activation, Hi-Sync activation, shutter mode, remaining battery power, flash unit name, flash unit ID, flash unit power level, flash unit modelling level
  • Buttons:
    Group selection, test, rotation ring to change values, confirmation, on/off and refresh.
    There are also 4 buttons with variable functionality: Power +/-, Modelling lamp off/prop/free, Individual unit selection and setup on the dashboard. Menu up, menu down and exit in the setup menu.
  • Dimensions: 84.1 x 68.3 x 58.5 mm (3.3 x 2.7 x 2.3")
  • Weight: 120 g without batteries

In the box

  • Elinchrom Transmitter Pro
  • (2 x AA batteries are not included due to new air transport regulations)
  • Mini-USB cable
  • 2-year warranty

The Skyport HS offers convenience and reliability that hasn't been available with any transmitter before now. It also incoperates so many new advanced features and options that it opens up a whole new world in flash photography. I haven't been this excited about a new product announcement in a long time!"

Michael Clark - Adventure Photographer

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.2 152
Price2 690
In stock
Elinchrom Bridge

Elinchrom Bridge with Elinchrom Studio Software and Elinchrom Studio iOS. The Elinchrom Bridge is a small and robust bridge between your Elinchrom flash units and your computer or mobile devices. It implements Bluetooth standards for easy pairing with mobile devices for iOS and a Elinchrom Skyport software compatible with MAC operating systems via the USB connection.

Elinchrom Studio (Mac, Win, iOS).

Control Elinchrom devices from one central spot, in the studio, with the Elinchrom Studio. Software/App and the Bridge module. When units are out of reach the Elinchrom Studio will optimize the photographical workflow. Quickly access the most important unit features by distance, set power values and necessary functions. All unit settings can be saved and reloaded when needed for the next photo shoot.

Elinchrom Studio Software

The Elinchrom Studio Software for PC and Mac or iOs can be downloaded for free from Elinchroms webb (see the tab "Links" above).

Elinchrom Bridge - Skyport

Elinchrom Bridge system

Elinchrom Bridge - App and Computer sotware


Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.1 105
Price1 381.25
In stock
Elinchrom Rotalux 70cm Deep Octa

Elinchrom Rotalux Deep Octa 70 cm. With its deep, octagonal design, the Rotalux Deep Octa 70 provides focused, soft lighting. Perfect for portraits, among other things, as the softbox gives a round reflection in the eyes and the deep design provides great control over the light flow. A very popular feature of the Rotalux Deep Octa is that the light quality can quickly and easily be changed from soft to hard by removing the outer or both diffuser cloths.

  • Optimized Light Shaping - Delivers superior light control, creating a more focused and directional light output with natural-looking catchlights, ideal for portrait, beauty, and product photography.
  • Compact & Portable - Lightweight and easy to transport, making it a versatile choice for both studio and on-location shoots.
  • Quick Assembly & Breakdown - The Rotalux system is renowned for its fast setup and takedown.
  • High-Quality Diffusion Fabric - The softbox includes premium inner and outer diffusers that ensure consistent, even lighting with minimal hotspots
  • Versatile Light Modification Options - The Deep Octa shape allows for greater control over light fall-off and can be used with different Elinchrom modifiers

Super Compact Design

The Deep Octa 70 cm is very popular for on-location photography due to its compact size and light weight. The softbox is easy to handle on a lighting boom, especially when combined with the Elinchrom ELB and its lightweight lamp heads.

Elinchrom Rotalux Deep Octa 70

Wide Variation of Light Patterns

With both diffuser cloths mounted, the Deep Octa 70 cm provides soft light that, thanks to the deep design, is easy to control and offers high light output. By removing the outer diffuser cloth, you get a slightly crisper light with a nice transition to shadow. If both cloths are removed, the light becomes directional and relatively hard, somewhat similar to the light from a Beauty Dish. Combine with a deflector to remove the hotspot from the flash tube.

Elinchrom Rotalux Deep Octa 70 in action

Elinchrom Rotalux

Elinchrom's Rotalux system is probably the most copied softboxes in the world due to their simple and smart design. But while the design can be copied, the quality cannot, making Elinchrom Rotalux a class of its own.

Extremely Even Light Distribution

Like all of Elinchrom's lighting tools, the geometry of the Rotalux softboxes is precisely adapted to the focal length and light pattern of all Elinchrom lamp heads. These features, along with dual diffusion cloths, provide the exceptionally even light that Elinchrom softboxes are known for.

Elinchrom Rotalux Deep Octa 70

Rotalux Speedring (Sold Separately)

The heart of Rotalux softboxes is the patented Rotalux mount, which allows the softbox to rotate within the mount. The Rotalux Speedring has been designed to make assembly and use extremely simple. They can be quickly and easily folded up like an umbrella for transport in a compact bag. The Rotalux Speedring (not included) is compatible with most flash brands on the market, allowing the softboxes to be mounted directly onto other flash brands without any adapter. All of Rotalux’s unique features are retained.

Elinchrom Rotalux Speedring

Additional Accessories

Both outer and inner diffusion cloths are included as standard. An optional recessed outer diffusion cloth (EL-26770) is available for increased control over the light flow, perfect when you want to avoid light from the softbox hitting the background or when you want to highlight details in the image. Thanks to the centrally located umbrella mount on Elinchrom, Rotalux softboxes can be combined with deflectors (EL-26310). The different materials in the deflector set create different light qualities and can be used in combination with diffusion cloths, or, if a harder light is desired, in a softbox without diffuser cloths.

Elinchrom Rotalux Accessories


  • 1 Reflector Cloth
  • 1 Outer Diffusion Cloth
  • 1 Inner Diffusion Cloth
  • 8 Rods
  • 1 Carrying Bag 

Note: Speedring not included and must be purchased separately.

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom began manufacturing studio flashes in Switzerland as early as 1962 and has since been at the forefront of developing studio lighting for professional photographers and enthusiasts. Thanks to close contact with photographers around the world, Elinchrom creates products that provide maximum functionality and performance at very competitive prices. Elinchrom offers a very wide range of studio flashes, light shapers, and studio accessories built to meet the highest demands and needs of enthusiastic photographers and professionals alike.

Price, VAT excl.1 912
Price2 390
In stock
Elinchrom Litemotiv 120cm

Elinchrom Litemotiv 120 cm. From monster Beauty Dish to monster Softbox! Introducing the Elinchrom Litemotiv range, the parabolic extension to Elinchrom's Rotalux Deep Octa 70 and 100cm softboxes. These 16 sided softboxes produce close to perfect circular catch-lights and with a heavy duty bracket (sold separately) for  precise and easy positioning of the light.

Improved Durability

The new material used in the Litemotiv softboxes is more durable than the Elinchrom Rotalux range. Improved heat and tear resistance ensures the longevity of your Litemotiv. Furthermore, a removable central ring of soft box material (the area closest to your flash head) allows for heat dissipation during extensive use of hot modelling lights, and can be replaced at a fraction of the softbox price should it get damaged.

More Efficient

The improved design of the Litemotiv fabric is more efficient up to 1/3 stop. Get the most out of your flash heads with Litemotiv. Each soft box comes equipped with a velcro attachable inner diffuser and front diffuser. Use both together to create a beautiful soft light source, or remove the front diffuser (or both) to get a beauty dish style lighting effect. We recommend adding an Elinchrom Deflector set to your Litemotiv, to open up a variety of creative option. Litemotivs come in two sizes, 120cm Deep and 190cm Deep

  • Exclusive fabric for exceptional light quality
  • Sixteen sided softboxes, creating close to perfect catchlights
  • Anodised rod colour coding for faster assembly
  • Strong and stable bracket supports all Elinchrom units
  • Additional brackets are available for Broncolor, Profoto and Bowens
  • Removable rear cover for easier setup and shoot through functionality
  • Two diffusers, inner and outer, for perfectly soft diffusion
  • Without these diffusers, this is a giant beauty dish
  • Unique to Elinchrom, optional deflectors fine tune the Litemotiv effect
  • Available in 120 and 190 cm including carrying bag

The 16 anodised rods are heat-resistant, enabling work with high temperature light sources. They are made out of flexible aluminium so that they follow the parabolic shape of the Litemotiv. The colour coding of the bracket and rods enable trouble free assembly. These are studio softboxes but their construction make them simple to setup but also to disassemble.

Elinchrom Litemotiv Para - Parabolic shape

The double diffusion panels have been specialy designed to produce very soft light. The innner diffuser also incorporates a central circular panel to avoid any hotspot, thus offering the most homogenous light possible. It is possible to remove both diffusers to obtain a very crispy and contrasty light, similar to beauty dish... but in much bigger!

Elinchrom Litemotiv Para 120 -  Diffusers

The fabric of the Litemotiv softboxes is unique. It offers 30% more light output than our standard Rotalux fabric, also used for Portalite, while being just as lightweight. It also offers the same distinctive Elinchrom look than our other softboxes but this fabric is heat-resistant, meaning that 650W hot lamps can be used with Litemotiv.

Elinchrom Litemotiv Para - Compatible with all studio flash heads

Designed to carry the Litemotiv 120 cm and the incredible 190 cm, this bracket takes off all stress from the unit while providing easy positioning of the light.

Elinchrom Litemotiv Para - Heavy-duty bracket

The Elinchrom Litemotiv bracket is available for:

  • Elinchrom users Bowens / S-mount users
  • Broncolor Pulso mount users
  • Profoto users

Note! The Speed Ring Bracket is not included and must be ordered separately

Elinchrom Litemotiv Para - Available in two sizes

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.4 796
Price5 995
In stock
Elinchrom Litemotiv 190 Octa Indirect

Elinchrom Litemotiv Indirect Octa 190 cm. The Indirect Litemotiv is the industry standard for any location and studio photographer who wants portable and lightweight light shaping solutions with no compromises on quality. The flash unit is fitted indirectly to diffuse in a beautiful, rich and even way bringing life to your images.

  • Area 2.8 m²
  • Diameter 190 cm
  • Depth only 70 cm
  • Very easy to fold up
  • Weight 5 kg

“To achieve the perfect soft lighting I use the Elinchrom FIVE with the Indirect Litemotiv Octa Softbox 190 cm as my main light” /Photographer Yuliya Panchenko

The unique folding system allows a speedy setup of the Indirect Litemotiv in any location and with each softbox, there is a high quality carrying included to transport it safely anywhere you go.

 Elinchrom Litemotiv Indirect Octa

Quality of light

The central mounting for the flash head places the flashtube at the point of focus inside these softboxes for the best possible results. The optical result is a light source, which is so even with superb colour saturation at the diffuser surface, that many famous photographers use the Octa as a single light source for portrait photography.

 Elinchrom Litemotiv Reflective Cloth

More light

The fabric of the Litemotiv softboxes is unique. It offers 30% more light output than our standard Rotalux fabric, also used for Portalite, while being just as lightweight. It also offers the same distinctive Elinchrom look than our other softboxes but this fabric is heat-resistant, meaning that 650W hot lamps can be used with Litemotiv.


The integral reflector of Elinchrom flash units is designed to maximise efficiency and even light distribution, they are the best for the Indirect Litemotiv. The flashtube is precisely positioned 20 mm from the surface to avoid the inherent uneveness of non-concentric flashtubes. The bayonet mount is compatible with all Elinchrom flash units since 1974.

 Elinchrom Litemotiv Indirect on location


Their unique patented construction and design has taken these softboxes around the world in the most incredible locations. That's why every Indirect Litemotiv includes a carrying bag. The setting up/down process is so simple that altough these are very big softboxes, they can be quickly folded down into one carrying bag for confortable transportation.

 Elinchrom Litemotiv Indirect Bajonett


  • Super fast to set up, with the unique Elinchrom folding construction.
  • New high quality black/silver fabrics, more light, better light distribution and can be used with 650W Halogen modelling lamps.
  • All Indirect Litemotiv's are supplied with external diffuser, internal diffuser and carrying bag.
  • 360° rotating system.
  • Accepts all Elinchrom flash heads including Quadra heads, with Quadra Reflector Adapter 26342.
  • Accepts all Profoto™ flash heads via the EL to Profoto™ Adapter 26333.


  • Diameter 190 cm
  • Depth 70 cm
  • Weight 5 kg

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.12 496
Price15 620
In stock
Elinchrom Softlite 44 cm 80° White | Beauty Dish

Elinchrom Softlite Reflector 44 cm 80° White- Beauty Dish. These reflectors are called Beauty dishes. Slightly harder lighting than a softbox giving better definition of facial features, they are perfect for close in beauty and portrait work. The included Deflector Set can modify the colour and softness. The light can be further softened with the optional showercap diffuser.

  • Ideal Blend of Soft and Hard Light: Offers a unique light quality that combines the softness of a softbox with a slightly harder edge, creating striking, dimensional portraits that enhance details while maintaining smooth skin tones.

  • Customizable Light Output: Includes a deflector set to cover the flash tube, allowing photographers to modify light character, offering versatile setups for a variety of lighting moods from neutral to dramatic.

  • Specialized for Portrait and Fashion Photography: This beauty dish is specifically popular among portrait, fashion, and beauty photographers, as it sculpts light to accentuate facial features, adding depth and a natural glow to subjects.

  • White Interior for Softer Contrast: Features a white interior, creating a softer contrast compared to the silver variant, ideal for those seeking a balanced, natural look without the harshness of metallic reflection.

  • Wide 80° Beam Spread: Delivers an 80° light spread, providing broad coverage while maintaining focus on the subject, making it perfect for larger setups or group shots where even lighting is essential.

Included in Mini Soft 44 cm:

  • 44 cm reflector, white surface
  • White deflector 14cm
  • Transparent deflector 14 cm
  • Silver deflector 14 cm
  • Gold deflector 14 cm
  • 2 Mounting pins, 20cm

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.


Price, VAT excl.1 220
Price1 525
Soon in Stock
Elinchrom Grid Set 21cm Grid 30°

Elinchrom Reflector with Grid 30°. The Standard Reflector 21 cm gives a medium spread of hard and contrasty light. It can be used for direct or indirect lighting with Elinchrom Umbrellas. The included 30-degree grid limits the light spread and provides a soft-edged pool of light on the backgrounds and sharp shadows of the subject. Additional grids of 20 and 12 degrees are available, and this reflector can be used with the Barndoor Kit to further shape light and add filters

Included in this Grid Set:

  • 1x Reflector 21 cm 50°
  • 1x 30° Grid

The parts can be purchased separately.

Examples of use:

Grids are very useful for the creative photographer. They can e.g. highlight details in the motif or create stylish effects in the background. Here is an example where only one light source with grid is used.

Elinchrom Reflektor med Raster

For this lighting setting you need:

  • 1 Studio flash
  • 1 Reflector with grid
  • 1 Reflector approx. 75-95cm

Place the studio flash with reflector and grid behind the subject, aimed at the top of the head. It works well with grid 12 °, 20 ° or 30 °, choose the light angel that you think fits best. The reflective screen is placed in front of and above the subject. Angle the reflector screen so that the bouncing light hits the face. Tip! To create a warmer light for portraits, pinch a tinted gelatin filter to the flash using the screen. Turn off the flash modeling light to prevent the filter and flash from overheating.

Elinchrom ljussättning med raster

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.915
Price1 143.75
In stock
Elinchrom Snoot and Grid set

Elinchrom Snoot and Grid are two popular lighting modifiers used in studio and on-location photography.  A traditional accessory, designed to give an approx. 15° controlled spot of light, with a hard shadow effect. With the grid, the light is narrowed to 10° with a minimum of light loss.

Create unique and dramatic lighting effects

Elinchrom Snoot are designed to shape and control the light, allowing photographers to create unique and dramatic lighting effects.

The Elinchrom Snoot is a narrow tube-shaped attachment that fits over the studio strobe head. Its purpose is to concentrate the light into a small, defined area. The snoot creates a spotlight effect, which can be used to highlight a specific part of the subject or create a dramatic contrast between light and shadow.

The Elinchrom Grid, on the other hand, is a honeycomb-like attachment that fits over the snoot. It helps to further control and narrow down the light beam, resulting in a more directional light. The grid is available in different sizes, with smaller grids producing a tighter, more concentrated beam of light.

Using the Elinchrom Snoot and Grid in combination can create some interesting effects. For example, photographers can use a snoot with a grid to create a spotlight with a precise and sharp edge, which can be used for creative portraits or product photography. Alternatively, they can use the snoot without the grid to create a more diffuse spotlight that provides softer lighting for portraits or still life photography.

Easy to use

One of the benefits of using Elinchrom Snoot and Grid is that they are very easy to use. They simply attach to the studio strobe head, and the light output can be adjusted using the power controls on the strobe. Additionally, the snoot and grid are lightweight and portable, making them ideal for on-location shoots.

In conclusion

Elinchrom Snoot and Grid are valuable tools for photographers who want to create unique and dramatic lighting effects. With their ability to shape and control the light, photographers can create stunning images that stand out from the crowd

What's included in this product?

  • Snoot
  • Grid

Elinchrom Authorized Distributor

Elinchrom are a Swiss studio lighting manufacture famed for their consistent innovation and being at the forefront of both portable and studio photographic lighting equipment. Since the start in 1962 Elinchrom have continued to develop and innovate flash lighting, groundbreaking products. Elinchrom studio and portable lighting solutions are available for both professionals and those just getting started with flash photography.

Price, VAT excl.532
In stock
RollEasy Ceiling 2.72m | Mount 2 Vinyl

Rolleasy Ceiling Mount Kit for two 2.72m Vinyl Backgrounds. The Colorama Rolleasy is an exceptionally robust, professional studio background support system which can be wall or ceiling mounted.

Unlike other systems on the market it will fully support up to 3.55m (12ft) wide roll without the roll bowing over time. The system uses a detachable crank to smoothly raise and lower each background which is then automatically locked in position.

With the Colorama Rolleasy there are no obstructions within the shooting area, no chains or free swinging parts.
The system is available as complete kits or as separate components to create a customised system. It is also expandable as supplementary units can be installed at any time to increase the number of rollers.


  • Can be configured to support 2.75m or 3.55m wide rolls
  • The ONLY system on the market to support the weight of 3.55m x 30m Paper Rolls and 3.50m x 12m Vinyl Rolls
    The Rolleasy system uses a detachable crank to smoothly raise and lower each background which is then automatically locked in position
  • The system is available as complete kits or as separate components to create a customised system
  • The Rolleasy system allows you to use multiple Paper and/or Vinyl backgrounds at the same time.
    For example, the picture on the right demonstrates use of white and grey backgrounds
Price, VAT excl.8 345
Price10 431.25
Not in stock
Manfrotto Wall Mounting Arm 098SHB  78-122cm

Manfrotto 098SHB Short Wall Boom Arm to be attached to a wall. It has a black finish, and includes a double ended stud for mounting a fixture. The 098SHB Short Wall Boom Arm is crafted with high-quality materials to ensure durability and stability. One of the standout features of the Manfrotto 098SHB is its adjustable length, which ranges from 78 cm to 122 cm

  • Short wall mounted boom, max extension 122cm
  • Allows 180° pan and 160° tilt movements
  • Aluminum construction with black finish
  • 5/8'' socket and double ended 1/4-20'' and 3/8''stud


  • Length: Variable 78 - 122 cm
  • Weight: 2 kg
  • Maximum Load: 5 kg
  • Attachment Size: 5/8 in socket and double ended 1/4-20 in and 3/8 in stud

Manfrotto - Imagine More

Based in Northern Italy at Cassola, Manfrotto designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of camera and lighting support equipment for the professional photographic, film, theatre, live entertainment and video markets. The product line includes an extensive range of camera tripods and heads, lighting stands and accessories.


Price, VAT excl.1 946
Price2 432.50
In stock
Manfrotto Wall Mounting Arm 098B 120-210cm

Manfrotto 098B Lighting Boom with wall mount. A very versatile wall stand that can also be mounted on the ceiling. Perfect for mounting a studio flash, LED panel, or camera in a position where conventional stands cannot be used. Working length 120-210 cm. Can be raised and lowered 160° vertically and rotated 180° horizontally. Supplied with Manfrotto 013 pin equipped with 1/4" and 3/8" threads at the ends.


  • Weight: 2780 g
  • Maximum load: 4.5 kg
  • Working length: 120-210 cm
  • Horizontal rotation: 180°
  • Vertical tilt: 160°
  • Tube diameter: 35.4, 29.5 mm
  • Mount: 5/8″ (16 mm) socket
  • Color: Black
  • Material: Aluminum

Manfrotto - Imagine More

Price, VAT excl.2 244
Price2 805
In stock
Avenger Right Angle Baby Plate

The Avenger Right Angle Baby Plate F809 is a piece of equipment that offering filmmakers and photographers a reliable solution for mounting their gear in a variety of creative setups. This is an Avenger F809 Right Angle Baby Plate. The steel plate has a welded 5/8" Baby pin bent to 90° that extends 15 cm from the wall. Eight anchor holes accept screws or nails.
Unique to the Avenger line, this baby plate allows fixtures to be fine-tuned with the built in swiveling baby pin.

Design and Construction

The Avenger Right Angle Baby Plate F809 is built with precision and durability in mind. Crafted from high-quality materials, it's designed to withstand the rigors of professional use. The plate features a unique right-angle design, which allows for flexible positioning of equipment in tight or unconventional spaces.

Versatility and Compatibility

One of the standout features of the Avenger Right Angle Baby Plate F809 is its compatibility with various industry-standard mounting systems.


  • Mounting: 5/8" / 16 mm Stud
  • Material: Steel
  • Dimensions, plate: L: 90.0 x W: 149.0 x H: 3.2 mm
  • Dimensiuons, stud: L: 15.2 cm (from wall)
  • Weight: 0.7 kg


Avenger products have been designed to fit the bespoke needs of the photo and cine market. The range includes stands, clamps, couplers, light controls and accessories all designed to match the strict quality standards and performance levels required by the motion picture industry. Product quality is the hallmark of Avenger, which can withstand extreme use, rough atmospheric conditions, very high stress and heavy payloads.

Price, VAT excl.377
In stock
Manfrotto 008BU Cine Stand

Manfrotto Black Cine Stand. The adaptable, robust and portable cine stand. Everything you need for any shoot is there with this super-clever   Cine Stand. It’s made for both location and studio shoots, so you can be sure you've got the right stand for the job, regardless of what’s needed on the day. Not only that, it’s made for professionals on-the-go, with a lightweight design that makes it an easy piece of kit to carry around.

Other great features include smart double-leg bracing, giving you ultimate stability when you're set-up, so you'll never have to worry about you gear slipping at the crucial moment. Despite being light enough to transport without any bother, it’s heavy-lifting too. It can support up to 33.07 lbs., so you're really can be sure this stand is up to the challenge, whatever the shoot demands.

To make life even easier, this must-have cine stand includes universal head type 14 for total adaptability, plus a 28mm socket and a 16mm stud. This gives you everything you need in one neat package. Adding to it's portability, it can be folded away when not in use too, thanks to a two-section design plus riser, while a leveling leg enables you to get a firm footing, whatever the terrain.


Weigth4200 g
Top Attachment1 1/8″ (28mm) socket, 5/8″ (16mm) stud, 3/8″ screw
Closed Length112 cm
Column Tube Diameter35, 30 mm
Footprint Max Diameter118 cm
Leg Cross SectionRound
Leg Sections2
Levelling Leg1
Load Capacity at Maximum Extension3 kg
Max Height212 cm
Min Height131 cm
Max Payload15 kg
Stand Leg SizeØ22mm
Suggested Wheels109, 110

Manfrotto - Imagine More

Based in Northern Italy at Cassola, Manfrotto designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of camera and lighting support equipment for the professional photographic, film, theatre, live entertainment and video markets. The product line includes an extensive range of camera tripods and heads, lighting stands and accessories.

Price, VAT excl.2 424
Price3 030
In stock
Manfrotto 109 Wheel Set Diameter 80 mm

Manfrotto Wheel set 80 mm, 3 pcs. Rolls easily on most surfaces thanks to the 80 mm large diameter of the wheels. Delivered in set with 3 wheels. Fits stand legs with 22 mm diameter. NOTE! All stand legs must be provided with a hole in which the lock socker for the wheel sleeve is placed, see sketch.

 Manfrottto Hjulsats 109


  • Wheel diameter: 80 mm
  • Brake: No.
  • Tripod legs: 22 mm
  • Set contains: 3 pcs wheels

Manfrotto - Imagine More

Based in Northern Italy at Cassola, Manfrotto designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of camera and lighting support equipment for the professional photographic, film, theatre, live entertainment and video markets. The product line includes an extensive range of camera tripods and heads, lighting stands and accessories.

Price, VAT excl.653
In stock
Tether Tools Pro Tethering Kit | Aero Master

The Pro Tethering Kit is the ideal setup for a professional tethered photography workflow. Take your photography and professional image to the next level by enhancing productivity, improving efficiency, and increasing safety in your workstation. Upgrade to the Pro Tethering Kit if you already own a Starter Tethering Kit or TetherPro Cable. Please Note: This kit does NOT include a TetherPro Cable.

  • Optimized for On-Set Efficiency: Large 40 x 56 cm surface for laptops and gear, ideal for smooth tethered setups.
  • Lightweight and Durable Aluminum: Aerospace-grade build, combining durability with easy transport.
  • Non-Reflective Finish for Accuracy: Brushed finish reduces glare, supporting accurate color viewing.
  • Flexible Mounting Options: Compatible with tripods, C-stands, and more for versatile setup.
  • Integrated Cable Management: Keep cables organized and reduce tripping hazards.

Choice of Tether Table

Aero Master or Traveler The Tether Table Aero is designed for the photographer on the go. Whether hiking into a location with a backpack or backed into a corner for a tight architectural shot, the Aero platform footprint can go and be used just about anywhere.
Made of T6 Aerospace aluminum, the non-reflective black platform is sleek in design and unsurpassed in stability & durability.

The Aero Table includes the patented LAJO-4 ProBracket that mounts to any stand that has 1/4″-20 tripod head, 3/8″ tripod mount, 5/8″ stud studio stand or Arca-style mounting attachment.


Tether Tools Pro Tethering Kit - Aero


Tether Table Aero Accessories

LAJO-4 ProBracket mounts to any stand that has 1/4″-20 tripod head, 3/8″ tripod mount, 5/8″ stud studio stand or Arca-style mounting attachment

Aero Cup Holder attaches to the Tether Table Aero to hold beverages, small tools or accessories and keep them near your workstation.

Aero SecureStrap fastens your laptop computer to your Tether Table Aero, insuring it will stay firmly in place.

Aero XDC holds external hard drives and frees up space by attaching underneath the tether table.

Aero Clip-on Hooks allows you to attach additional items – laptop power adapter, batteries, charger, phone or anything else that’s handy to have nearby during a photo or video shoot – to your tripod or stand.

TetherGuard Aero Clip-on Support attaches to any flat edge of the Tether Table Aero and holds the cable securely in place.

StrapMoore allows you to attach additional items – laptop power adapter, batteries, charger, phone or anything else that’s handy to have nearby during a photo or video shoot – to your tripod or stand.

Tether Table Aero Storage Case This heavy duty custom storage bag is constructed of the highest quality pack-cloth material. Zipper closes at the top to protect your table from the elements and bag features handle straps for easy transport.

Product Specifications

  • Tether Table Aero Master 56cm x 40cm. Black, non-reflective finish
  • LAJO-4 ProBracket Mounts to any stand that has 1/4″-20 tripod head, 3/8″ tripod mount, 5/8″ stud studio stand or Arca-style mounting attachment
  • Aero ProPad Black Aero SecureStrap Adjustable to fit all Tether Tables in the Aero system and all laptop sizes. Black
  • Aero Cup Holder Maximum weight allowed: 1.14kg. Black, non-reflective finish
  • Aero XDC Designed to fit most mobile external hard drives Inside dimensions of 98mm x 29mm x 152mm Can be positioned on either side of the Tether Table Aero. Black, non-reflective finish
  • Aero Clip-on Hooks (3pk) Maximum weight per hook: 0.80kg
  • TetherGuard Aero Clip-on Support TetherGuard works with USB, FireWire, HDMI, or flash sync cables 3.5 – 8.5mm in diameter
  • Clip-on Support attaches easily to any flat edge or the Tether Table Aero
  • StrapMoore Fits any pole or beam from 0.362cm to 7.62cm in diameter Secures objects from 1/4″(0.36 cm) to 8.9cm in diameter Maximum weight capacity: 0.9kg
  • Tether Table Aero Storage Case Fits size specific Tether Table Aero


The Pro Tethering Kit Includes

  • One (1) Tether Table Aero Master
  • One (1) LAJO-4 ProBracket
  • One (1) Aero Cup Holder
  • One (1) Aero SecureStrap
  • One (1) Aero XDC
  • Three (3) Aero Clip-on Hooks
  • One (1) TetherGuard Clip-on Support
  • One (1) StrapMoore
  • One (1) Tether Table Aero Storage Case

Tether Tools Authorized Distributor

Tether Tools first product introduced in 2008, the Tether Table Aero, has a long, rich history. Crafted out of a need for photographers to have a professional, secure workstation when shooting out in the field or in studio, the Tether Table Aero provides a stable portable tethering platform. Since then, Tether Tools has worked to design and manufacture tools that expand the possibilities of photographers, videographers, and creatives in all fields. It’s why they are here, it’s the beating heart of their business. Tether Tools products are used by creatives across the globe as an essential piece of their workflow and safety on set.


Price, VAT excl.4 510
Price5 637.50
In stock
Avanger Stand A5012 Roller 12 Folding Base

Avenger Stand Roller 12. The Avenger Roller Stand 12 with Folding Base is a heavy duty, chrome-plated steel support that features a low base for extra stability, braking wheels, two risers and both a female 1/1/8" Junior receiver and a 5/8" Baby retractable stud. The legs fold up for transport and storage. Complete with wheels.


  • Attachment 01: 1 1/8" (28 mm) bushing not threaded
  • Attachment number: 16mm - 5/8"
  • Closed length: 68 cm
  • Column tube diameter: 45/40/35 mm
  • Footprint max diameter: 75 cm
  • Safety payload: 25 kg
  • Material: Steel base + chrome steel sections
  • Maximum height: 120 cm
  • Minimum height: 78 cm
  • Section centre column: 3 section
  • Weight: 8 kg


Avenger products have been designed to fit the bespoke needs of the photo and cine market. The range includes stands, clamps, couplers, light controls and accessories all designed to match the strict quality standards and performance levels required by the motion picture industry. Product quality is the hallmark of Avenger, which can withstand extreme use, rough atmospheric conditions, very high stress and heavy payloads.

Price, VAT excl.3 084
Price3 855
In stock

TetherPro USB-C to USB-C 4.6m | Orange
Price, VAT excl.730
Elinchrom Pilot Lamp 100 W/196 V
Price, VAT excl.145
Elinchrom Skyport Transmitter Plus
Price, VAT excl.996
Price1 245
Rotalux Speedring Elinchrom
Price, VAT excl.655